For Anyone Who Wants To Live Their Life In An Empowered Way

A Powerful Toolkit: 
Practically Embracing
Your Personal Power

If you want to live your life on your terms and feel authentically confident in yourself, this will be the best investment you have ever made.

First, The Truth.

The outcomes I’m sharing with you are not common in our society. 


I have the benefit of over 25 years of dedicated spiritual practice. The processes delivered in this toolkit are a product of that experience. 


The average person who buys ‘how to’ info gets little to no results.


Your own results will depend on how consistently you choose to implement.


All transformation requires dedication, action, and consistent practice.  


If you’re looking for ‘listen to my magic formula and miraculously change’ DO NOT BUY THIS TOOLKIT.

Get The Toolkit For $39 
Just $5.00 NZD (~$3.30 USD)

Instant Delivery. Start consuming immediately.

What You're Getting

This is drastically different from anything you've ever consumed because it's a practical guide to taking real action, as well as an energetic facilitation that will lubricate your empowerment process, rather than just a traditional "personal development" course.  

The video training effectively leads you through the process of understanding what empowerment is, why you have struggled for so long, and how you can take simple practical steps to turn it around.   

Plus, it's only 40 minutes long.  

The three Light Language energy facilitation audios work with your Higher Self deep in your energy fields to lubricate the process of transformation so that you can more effectively become free of the residues of pain and trauma that have historically kept you disempowered.   

You immediately receive the core processes that I have used with many of my clients to facilitate their evolutionary growth into Authentic Confidence and Empowered Freedom.

I Didn't Get Struck By Lightening...

At this point,
Most online guru's in the transformational industry tell the "enlightenment" story.

They were hit by lightening or some other near death experience and became enlightened overnight, and now have a direct line of communication with all manner of spiritual guidance.


I don’t have that story, sorry for the disappointment.
But I do have a rich history that has helped me through the process of facing my issues and eventually relax into acceptance and arise into empowered connection with my true Self.

Rewind 25 years ago and I walked into my first yoga class.
With a sore back, a broken heart and a binge drinking issue.
I loved it! I especially loved the meditation practice at the end of the class.


I fell into a space that for the first time in my life that felt comfortable, like home, like acceptance, it was a taste of something I had been missing.


You see for my whole life I had never felt "enough", not good enough, not acceptable. 


No matter how hard I tried, no matter how externally successful I had become, I could not achieve a state of inner acceptance and thus never felt externally appreciated either.


I was a chronic people pleaser, always wearing a persona of what I thought others wanted from me. I had lost myself.


Meditation and yogic spirituality seemed to offer a potential cure.


Six months later I had a traditional guru, had become a vegetarian, and was practicing up to 2 hours of strict meditation every day. I was determined to overcome my insecurities and become spiritually connected and confident.


16 years later and my life was in a real mess.


A lot of water had flowed under the bridge, married, children, international relocation, bought-renovate-sold 4 homes, built an externally successful career in the film industry, and had continued throughout with my dedicated spiritual practices with determination to find my empowered freedom.


But there I was, 42 years old, feeling like a complete failure, the relationship with my guru was over (I won't bore you with the ugly details), I was so dissatisfied with my work, my body had broken down despite all the yoga and good diet, family life was pretty tenuous, I was deeply unhappy, and far from feeling empowered or "good enough". 


Things had to change. 

Pain is a good motivator in that way, lol. 


I got some advice. An angelic spiritual mentor named Jimmy.

"Time to come out from under the guru's skirt"

"You are a teacher and a healer, you won't be happy till you start living your purpose"


8 years of riding a wild rollercoaster, learning the ropes the hard way.

Gaining wisdom through experience.

Challenging myself to jump through the flaming hoops.

Having many painful outcomes (some might call mistakes)


I had to do the inner work.
I had to deepen my own connection with the Light that I Am.

I had to build a stronger relationship with Source.

There were no short cuts. It took time.


But, eventually I emerged, willing to show up in an authentic way, deliver a message that was on purpose, and most importantly consistently act in an empowered way, aligned with my deep knowledge that I am more than good enough.


Today, I deliver valuable services to my cliental on my terms. No more people pleasing.


Yes I am still growing, still have to step through my resistances, maintain my own spiritual practices, put in the work, and challenge myself, but I am doing so from a space of Love. 


Because I know how to maintain my personal power from the deepest energetic core.

So here's the scoop.


Most of what is sold on line in the empowerment category is nothing more than mindset work.


And while mindset is an important part of the equation.


Most people will never gain the authentic confidence to be able to act in an empowered way from practicing mindset work alone.


While it is true that I have experienced plenty of discomfort and confusion as I progressed with my own process of empowerment, 
It is actually a simple process.
Here it is: 
Step 1: Focus on aligning with and radiating your own Light. 

Step 2: Relax and allow the natural process to proceed. 
Simple right?



Empowerment is a just process of  letting go of the energies that are maintaining the illusion that you are disempowered. 

Simple, but not so easy to consistently achieve.
Everyone is capable of doing it.
But most people need some help.
That’s the intention behind this toolkit.

Here's Just A Fraction Of What's Inside

  • Develop the simple practices that will carry you through the process of transformation. Consistently employ them, and you'll win.

  • Why 2020 is the perfect time to consciously engage in this transformation.

  • Don't do this: The issues so many people have with the concept of purpose, and how to avoid it.

  • Understanding your inherent drivers, so you don't get trapped working to fulfil disempowering desires.   

  • Why your sensitivity is a superpower and how to utilise it in an empowered way. 

How To Practically Radiate Your Light

  • How to own your inherent self-worth in a natural way

  • Take action that is aligned with your Light and your purpose to attract your best outcomes into your life 

  • How you can shine your Light out in an empowered way even when you are feeling fearful

  • The simple method of using your breath to effectively pump your Light out to the world

  • The 3 big benefits of exhaling with intention

The Power Of Community

  • Why self-sufficiency is not the highest form of empowerment in todays energies.

  • The right question to ask when you are feeling stuck 

  • How to easily attract your Soul family/tribe. 

  • What you must be willing to do in order to receive the help and support that you feel you need in an empowered way.

  • How to develop the natural self-worth that allows you to relax into being accepted by others in community and relationship.

And much, much, more!

Here's What To Do Next

The investment for this toolkit is $5.00 NZD, and you get it instantly.

Why did I choose $5.00?   
Well, really, I know that if I was to give this away for free you won't value it, and therefore probably won't use it. And I want you to use this, I want to help you embrace you personal power and your full potential.  

Or if I put a fair market price on this content then many people would feel that they could not afford to make that investment, or that they don't trust me enough yet to make the investment.

So I choose $5.00 NZD (~$3.30 USD) as a no brainer price

You get the toolkit as a download you can watch the video and listen to the energy processes on your phone, tablet or computer.
As soon as you place your order today, you'll be sent an email with the download link where you can get it.

Let the Light Language Audios 
Do The Heavy Work

You’ve seen them.

You have probably purchased and consumed several of them.
I know I have, lol.
Books, trainings, whole courses, that teach the principles and mindset of self-confidence and personal power.


If you are of a similar energetic make up to me, and the fact that you have read this far would indicate that is likely, then consuming that content has not had a significant benefit to your practical situation.
Why is that? Did they get it wrong?
No. Their information is mainly correct. 
But it does not address the core issue for people like us.
People like you and me are carrying some very deep wounds, fragments of pain, trauma, and implanted low self-worth beliefs from the distant past.


Those energies create significant resistance and limitations to any attempts to invoke an empowered mindset or step forward into expansive actions. 


The information in those books and courses is not enough to overcome the fear based discordance that you feel internally.

So the main difference with what I am offering you here is the inclusion of the powerful energy facilitations that will very effectively help you progress through the process of overcoming and releasing that energetic interference.

It is not a magic wand though. Please do not be deluded into thinking that you just listen to the audios and hey presto you are are fully confident in embracing your personal power.


But the truth is these Energy processes are a game changer
And if you are willing to use them in an empowered way, in partnership with your other practices that we present in the training, and your commitment to take consistent action, then I know how much your life can improve. 
The feedback is that these are the most powerful recorded Light Language sessions that I have produced to date.
The three sessions:


Lighten Up MP3 (15:55min)

Relax into connection with the Light that you are

Release the stress of trying so hard to meet unrealistic expectations


Authentically Confident in Your Own Skin MP3 (17:00 min)

Safe and worthy to be seen and heard as you naturally are 
Radiate your Light


The Empowered Empath MP3 (20:22min)

Comfortably operating in the external world as a sensitive and gifted Soul

Using these energy processes, I know you can make big positive changes in how confidently you operate in the world.
Faster than you think possible.

There Is No Catch!

I know there are also books and courses out there that ‘leave you hanging’.
They leave out a key ingredient to get results in the hope they can sell you something later to complete the picture.
I am giving you everything you need to empower yourself.
Of-course, I want to work with you in the future but I want you to have the full picture to make that decision.
I'm giving you this toolkit as a means of "putting my best foot forward" and demonstrating real value.
My hope is that you'll love it, and this will be the start of a beautiful and mutually beneficial relationship for years to come

Time Is Of The Essence

Here's why. 

I take a loss by selling you the toolkit at this price.
The reason why is because it costs me more in advertising costs to sell this.

So why would I do that?  


I want to create a great impression on you so that one day you might choose to invest with me again. 


Yes, I have other products and services that you might be interested in.
I’m hedging my bets that you’ll enjoy this content so much, you’ll ask to try other offers that are available. Pretty straight forward really.


My Simple Guarantee

I want to make this as easy as possible.
So here's my guarantee:
I 100% Guarantee you'll love this video and MP3 energy processes or I'll return your $5.00 let you keep the toolkit anyway. 

That's right. 
You don't have to send anything back. 
Just email me your receipt and I'll give you back your $5.00 with no questions asked.

This Is Truly A Limited Offer So Claim Yours Now Before It Expires

P.S. Lot's of people skip straight to the bottom to find out how much something is and what's the deal...
I'm offering you a powerful toolkit that helps you practically embrace your personal power and step forward into your life with real authentic confidence.

The toolkit is $5.00 NZD (~$3.30USD). 

You get a 40minute video that outlines exactly what you need to know and what actions to take in order to make progress.


You also receive three powerful MP3 energy processes to help you overcome the internal resistance that has limited your ability to succeed with other attempts that you have made to achieve your empowerment.
You get to download it all straight away
This is a very limited offer because it's a marketing test.
There is no "catch" to this offer. 
In fact, if you don't like the content let me know and I'll even give you back the $5.00. You don't even need to send anything back.

and claim your toolkit now. You won't regret it.

© Matt Andrews 2020. All Rights Reserved.